Monday, October 02, 2006

Their Hypocrisy knows no bounds

Spot wasn't born yet when Gerry Studds (D-MASS) (no that isn't his porn name) was busy getting busy with a 17 year old Congressional page. That's right, a Democrat actually had gay sex with minor. You can be sure that the Democrat leadership kicked his ass just like they want to kick Mark Foley (R-FL). Spot was absolutely shocked to find out that after he ignored being censured, Studds (giggle) continued to defend the affair (yes, actual sex, ladies and germs, not IMs) and was even reelected!

What do these two faced shenanigans remind Spot of?

So, what really is the difference between Democrats and Republicans? Republicans (like penguins) take out the trash, while Democrats (like feral pigs) wallow in their own filth .

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Nuttier than a bag of nuts?

Spot can't be the only one who thinks that Kieth Olbermann is the loon in "looney left". This guy seriously needs to up his meds. Spot is used to the detached-from-reality ramblings of looney lefties like Moore, Robbins, and Streisand, but how can anyone claim with a stright face that the media has a conservative bias when bottom ranked MSNBC still has jokers like Matthews and Olberman on the air? The former ESPN "anchor" is just too deluded for words. Sure, the guy has a following, but Spot thinks that proves his point. When you can't tel lthe difference between the loon's actual rants and the parodies skewering him, Spot is certain that is a sign of something.